Book Donation–Aroh Foundation

Scope For Change a non-profit NGO, continues to live by its mission of is creating a better world by focusing on education.

Education today is no longer a luxury but a necessity in life. However, the unaffordable school fees, makes it challenging for the economically weak to get basic and foundational education.

Scope For Change provides aid and assistance to the families and children who are financially struggling to make ends meet.  The NGO strives towards the betterment of the Indian Education System holistically.

COVID -19 pandemic has challenged our communities in many ways.  Our children have been impacted to a greater degree due to school closure. While many private schools have the tools/ technology to run on-line classes, the government schools and other underprivileged schools have been unable to adjust to the situation and have suffered to greater extent. Our Book Donation Drive aims to provide the under-privileged children with the resources they require to get quality education. By providing these children with these resources especially books we can give them a whole new possibility of life with the constant help and support of our donors. 


With one more step towards the change, “Scope of Change” wishes to extend the warmest appreciation with immense gratitude and good wishes to all who donated & to be part of this change. We are very grateful that we could donate 1039 Books to the Aroh Foundation on 8th April 2021. AROH Foundation is an Indian social initiative that was founded in 2001 by Neelam Gupta. It is an organization working for underprivileged communities through sustainable development.

We understand the vital roles books play in enhancing the quality of education and  impacting kids.

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